Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Still Going

We have not had the internet in quite a while so that could be just one reason for the lack of

blogging. I sure like to be able to put pictures on the blog,, but oh well.

Things have been going great these last couple of months. Yes we had our 1 year anneversary and spent in on a cruise to mexico. It was pretty cool but there were a lot of things that would probably steer us away from doing it again. I know it is not for everyone.

We also had my brother Steve for a few days as well and had a blast. We had not seen eachother in a little over a year and his navy ship came into port right here in Seattle so he was able to come stay a few nights. We have lots of pictures of our time together. We tried to make him feel at home and were able to go golfing one day and dang was he good. He kept right up with chris I had a blast just watching. Then Steve got to check out our church with us and go on a hike to a beautiful waterfall. Ahh and the next day we took him to a Mariners game and he must have been lucky because they actually won the game. Then we showed him the sights in Seattle and Steve gave us a tour of his ship the Germantown. wow. But the best part for me was just the quality time we got to have with him. Many of you know that Steve has had a rough couple of months and I looked forward to showing him how very much we all love him and are so proud of him.

Well thats the scoop! Chris and I are going to start searching for a job in a more reasonable place to live so Please keep us in your prayers about our near future. we love you all and God bless.