Sunday, October 11, 2009

We know it has been a year or so since our last post but, I see there are a couple of
family members that still check so this is for you. Right now we are having a great weekend
with Steve my brother. He came down for a few days and man did he come at a good
time. We have went fishing at a river near by a couple mornings and chris and Steve
raked in about ten or more each day. They are catching humpies a kind of salmon and there not for keeping cuz there getting ready to die but they are fun to catch. They are about 5 to 8lbs.
Steve pulled in a Coho this morning and it was surly over 10lbs it was so sweet but he got it on its back so we could not keep it. Bummer. Anyways he leaves tommorow and Chris goes back to work so I am going to spend all day getting the house put back together. I have been putting in for some part time work. There is a sports authourity place opening up that I would love to work so we will see. Other wise things have been going really great I just got back a week ago from a vacation down to Klamath and I had a great time with my family whom I just love so much. I kept pretty busy visiting and even fit in a 16 mile bike ride. Chris just made it through the fifth lay off at his job so I am very proud of him for working so hard and keeping a great attitude. Well I will write again and put some picks on.

We love you all. Take care Shell