Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hey Fam,

Shelly and I thought that bloggin would be a fun and interesting way to stay in touch, ‘sides, all the cool people do it!

A lot has happened in the last year, so lets start from the beginning….
Back in June, I finally graduated (sweet! No more homework!). Imediately following Shell and I moved to the beautiful state of Washington. We a have a neat little loft apartment but it is a pain in the ars to keep warm. Then on August 5th 2007 (the best day of my life) Shelly Miller became Shelly Whittemore (has been six months already?). We had such an amazing wedding (thank you Moms and Dads and friends for all the hard work). And to go along with an amazing wedding we went on an amazing honeymoon to the garden island of Kaua’i. We had so much fun and excitement. We went hiking to a remote water fall (in the poring rain!) we kayaked in the ocean, I got to swim with a huge sea turtle, Shelly got in to the ocean FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE! We hiked down to one of the most famous beaches in the world (Lumahai Beach). We took a helicopter tour of the island and we even got to fit in some golf. Actually, we packed in so much activity we barely had any time for “the deed” (e.i. sexual congregation). But it was truly a trip of a life time.
And that brings us up to date… Shelly has been my little homemaker (aka Betty Crocker), Chester (the cat, not the milk man) keeps the bed warm and I’ve been the mighty breadwinner. This hierarchy seems to be working out quite well.

So that’s our life in a nut shell… we can barely wait for the next six months. We’ll be posting often so come back and visit!

1 comment:

the Miller's said...

What, no comments?! I have to comment on the hottie in the pictures, oh, and Shell you aren't bad either. HEHE just kidding, Shelly you look like a super model!Love the new blog!